On Saturday, May 3, the Deschutes County Mental Health Department sent certified letters to 50 individuals who received services from the Department during 2005-06. The letters inform the clients that the location of their copied service documents, mailed through the U.S. Postal Service to the State, is unknown. The letter also offers assistance from Department…
Author: Dissent
For-profit HIEs are the answer, entrepreneur says
Danger, Will Robinson! Nancy Ferris reports in Government Health IT: Multi-stakeholder collaboratives? No way. Public-private partnerships to develop health information exchanges? Forget about it. For-profit, businesslike HIEs are the way to go in the current environment, according to a company president who says the free enterprise model can deliver results better, faster and cheaper. “Business-driven…
Day Care Leaves Behind Personal Files
Catharyn Campbell reports: Some customers are worried about their personal information after a local day care went out of business and left their files behind. The bank foreclosed on the property in December, and earlier this week someone took items from the former business. “About a year ago some lady took over that nursery. It…
Ca: Abbott: Health data safe despite lapse
John Bermingham of Canwest News Service reports: Health Minister George Abbott says the health information of B.C. residents is safe, after his ministry was criticized for losing data on 124 patients. Information and Privacy Commissioner David Louki-delis censured the Health Ministry yesterday for sending unprotected computer tapes by courier to New Brunswick last October, containing…
Babies From Abortions, Records Found in Second Michigan Center Dumpster
Steven Ertelt writes: Local pro-life advocates in the Detroit area have found the bodies of babies killed in abortions and patient medical records in another Michigan abortion center’s dumpster. The finding comes on the hells (sic) of one abortion facility that ran afoul of illegal dumping laws and was investigated by the state. This time,…
Macau: Patient health details stolen
Details of some 200 patients’ health reports were yesterday stolen from the Centro Hospitalar Conde de São Januário (CHCSJ). According to information released by the Health Bureau, two sets of computers were stolen from the office yesterday which contained the data. […] After checking its records, the hospital said the two stolen computers contained the…