Jagmeet Singh reports: Rapido, a popular ride-hailing platform in India, has fixed a security issue that exposed personal information associated with its users and drivers, TechCrunch has exclusively learned. The flaw, discovered by security researcher Renganathan P, was related to a website form meant to collect feedback from Rapido auto-rickshaw users and drivers. The form…
Author: Dissent
FTC Finalizes Order with Marriott and Starwood Requiring Them to Implement a Robust Data Security Program to Address Security Failures
The Federal Trade Commission finalized an order requiring Marriott International, Inc. and its subsidiary Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide LLC to implement a comprehensive information security program to settle charges that the companies failed to implement reasonable data security, which led to three large data breaches affecting more than 344 million customers worldwide. In a complaint first…
Ohio state auditor issued guidance on email scams in April; employees might be liable if they fall for a scam
Corinne Colbert reports: The Ohio Auditor of State’s office issued a bulletin this past spring with guidance on detecting and avoiding payment redirect scams — and warned that public employees who failed to follow that guidance could be held accountable. That could have ramifications for whoever in Athens city government is determined to be responsible…
CA: Ontario Provincial Police charge three former hospital employees PHIPA violations of patient privacy breaches
Toula Mazloum reports: Three former hospital employees have been charged following investigations into unrelated alleged breach of patient privacy incidents that took place over the course of last year in different parts of the province, according to the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP). The investigations started after police received three complaints in western, eastern and northern…
The state registers of Ukraine have suffered a large-scale cyberattack: details from the Ministry of Justice
Svyatenko Tamara On December 19, the most extensive external cyberattack on the state registers of Ukraine in recent times occurred. This was reported by Olha Stefanishyna, Vice Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, Minister of Justice of Ukraine. This targeted attack led to the temporary suspension of the Unified and State Registers, which are…
Romanian National Sentenced to 20 Years in Prison in Connection with NetWalker Ransomware Attacks
A press release from the U.S. Department of Justice: A Romanian man was sentenced today for his role in the NetWalker ransomware attacks to 20 years in prison and ordered to forfeit $21,500,000 and his interests in an Indonesian limited liability company and associated luxury resort property under construction in Bali, Indonesia — a business…