Josh O’Kane reports:
BCE Inc.’s Bell Canada has issued an apology to customers after it said nearly 1.9 million customer e-mail addresses and 1,700 names and phone numbers illegally accessed – while an anonymous note posted online threatens that “more will leak” if the telecom company doesn’t co-operate with the group or individual claiming responsibility for the breach.
“We are releasing a significant portion of’s data due to the fact that they have failed to [co-operate] with us,” says the post, which was published Monday afternoon, several hours before Bell released its apology.
“This shows how Bell doesn’t care for its [customers’] safety and they could have avoided this public announcement… Bell, if you don’t [co-operate] more will leak :).” The post contains a link purporting to contain the customer information. It does not clarify what the anonymous poster was seeking co-operation for, or any further intent.
Read more on Globe and Mail.
sounds like this extortion stuff is becoming more mainstream