Editor’s Note: Starting this week, we may try a weekly column with data breach-related news from Spanish-language or South American entities. If you have submissions for the column, email them to Chum1ng0 at [email protected].
CL: Chronology of a sabotage: PJUD official who adulterated Boric’s old case is formalized:
(machine translation:)
The South Metropolitan Prosecutor’s Office revealed the movements of an employee of the Judiciary to adulterate an old case against the President of the Republic, Gabriel Boric. She looked for the RUT of the then candidate to La Moneda by Google, created a file and simply took advantage of her work position to sabotage the file. The communication of charges against the accused takes place 9 months after the facts uncovered by BioBioChile’s Investigation Unit.
Read more at BioBioChile.
PR: Ticketera suffers another cyber attack
(machine translation:)
“We are confirming that our ticket sales platform suffered a cyber attack. At around 11 am our technical team became aware of the beginning of an attack with “bots” that so far everything tends to indicate that the intention was to hoard the tickets on sale but the measures we have taken took took the platform offline to prevent them from achieving their goal.
In June, the company faced a similar event during the sale and purchase of tickets for several events at the Coca Cola Music Hall.
Read more at Radioisla. (And yes, we know PR is U.S., but it is Spanish-language news)
BR: Rede Top system suffers cyberattack and causes slowdowns in supermarkets
The municipality of Blumenau issued the following statement about a cyberattack impacting Rede Top supermarkets in Blumenau, Brazil (machine translated):
The supermarket group Rede Top was the target of cybernetic attackers in the last few days and its system was hacked. The situation started on July 26 and caused a delay in the services offered by the stores, due to the payment method for purchases, which had to be changed.
According to information released by Rede Top, the change occurred due to security protocols activated by the company. As unauthorized intrusion was identified, security systems were activated and connections were interrupted.
However, the company informed that the payment methods have been normalized and customer service continues to operate normally. They also emphasized that the network database is maintained under strict security systems.
As the case is recent and still under investigation, the company did not provide details on the possible causes and location of the invasion.