A 14-count indictment charging Deangelo Parker with wire fraud and aggravated identity theft was announced last week in Florida. If convicted, Parker faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in federal prison for each of the seven counts of wire fraud and two years’ maximum imprisonment for each aggravated identity theft offense. Parker made his…
Category: Business Sector
Transcript of Oral Argument in FTC v. Wyndham
Cross-posted from the mother ship, PogoWasRight.org: I splurged and purchased a copy of the transcript of Thursday’s oral argument in FTC v. Wyndham . You can download it here (PDF, 561kB, 186 pp.). Consider it an early holiday gift from PogoWasRight.org to you. I look forward to reading everyone’s reactions after we’ve all had time to read it. I…
Tool to determine if your email address was in the Adobe data dump
After the Adobe hack was disclosed, I received some emails from concerned consumers asking if there was some way they could check to find out if their details were involved. LastPass has set up a page where you can input your email address and LastPass checks the database that was dumped online to determine if…
Australian Bitcoin bank hacked: $1m+ stolen
Ben Grubb reports: A four-month-old Australian Bitcoin bank holding more than $1 million has been hacked, leaving thousands of customers in the lurch including a man who claims he was holding the virtual currency to buy a house with his girlfriend. The alleged hacking happened on both October 23 and 26, with the service’s operator,…
CT: Stamford Cablevision employee stole customer credit card info at walk-in center
Greg Canuel reports: A former employee of the Cablevision walk-in center in Norwalk was accused Wednesday of stealing customers’ credit card information, according to police reports. Residents from Norwalk and Stamford contacted the Norwalk Police Department in August after noticing fraudulent charges on their credit card bills, police said. Both reported that they had visited…
Adobe breach even bigger than we knew
Yes, the Adobe breach is back in the news as some have discovered that a data dump posted online contains the email addresses, encrypted passwords and password hints stored in clear text from 152 million Adobe user accounts. Embarrassingly, one report notes that 1.9 million Adobe users used “123456” as their password.