Over on DataLossDB.org, I was entering a security breach notification sent by Atlanta-based Oldcastle APG, Inc. They had informed the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office that a laptop containing over 5,000 employees’ names, Social Security numbers, and bank account information had been stolen from an employee’s car. As required by the state. they had attached a…
Category: Business Sector
Shades of 2003: Have contractors started holding individuals’ PII hostage again?
It’s been a long time since I’ve seen any report that a contractor or their employees were holding an organization’s client or patient data hostage as part of a dispute. To my surprise, however, there have been two such reports like that recently. One case is in the healthcare sector and I’ll be blogging about…
The long arm of Connecticut law supports personal jurisdiction over Canadian employee accessing company’s U.S. server
Evan Brown provides a recap of the ruling in in MacDermid, Inc. v. Deiter. The relevant background of the case is that an employee of a U.S. firm who lived and worked in Canada allegedly accessed her firm’s server in Connecticut from her Canadian location and forwarded confidential corporate information from her work e-mail account to…
Verizon FIOS allegedly hacked; 300,000 records dumped; more than 3 million acquired? NO! (updated to include Verizon statements)
Update Sunday 3:34 pm: In response to follow-up questions, Verizon spokesperson Alberto Canal informed this site last night: Some were Verizon customers, most were not. In regards to the number of individuals, the total was about 10% of what was originally reported. In answer to your question about a vulnerability: No there was not. There…
One year later, Jetro/Restaurant Depot is breached again (update2)
It was last year at about this time that we first got wind of an incident involving food services wholesaler Jetro/Restaurant Depot. Malware inserted in their card payment system had exfiltrated mag stripe data (names, card numbers, card expiration dates, and cvv codes) to a server in Russia between late September 2011 and early November…
Personal information compromised in Winston-Salem
Brent Campbell reports: A Winston-Salem woman whose personal information was found alongside Stratford Road, says other parents of a now closed Winston-Salem daycare need to check their credit report because their personal information could have been leaked too. […] Higher Learning on Kerensky Street closed November 15th. Read more on MyFox8. I was pleasantly surprised…