Yet another McDonald’s employee has been arrested for skimming customers’ debit/credit cards. Two weeks ago, media reported on a story out of Illinois. Today’s case is from Washington state. Mason County Daily News reports: A 17-year-old McDonald’s employee has been arrested for allegedly using a credit-card skimming device to steal more than $15,000 from customers…
Category: Business Sector
Another data breach revealed in Finland
The third large-scale data security breach in the space of a few days was revealed in Finland on Wednesday, with usernames, passwords and email addresses belonging to about 12,000 users of Netcar, a used car website, posted on the internet. A person claiming responsibility for the breach said they had no links to Anonymous Finland,…
Would you like that card fraud supersized?
Tresa Baldas reports that a McDonald’s employee in Oak Park has been charged in federal court in Detroit after being caught on video surveillance skimming customers’ credit or debit cards at the drive-thru window. It was the store manager who noticed the problem and contacted the Secret Service. Baldas reports: [Teresa] Pulliam, who was questioned…
UK: Laptop stolen from Scottish advocate’s home results in undertaking
A Scottish advocate breached the Data Protection Act after failing to encrypt a laptop containing sensitive personal data which was later stolen, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) said today. The laptop was stolen from the home of Ruth Crawford QC in 2009 when she was away on holiday. Ms. Crawford noted that she had left…
Monster employee salary info and Social Security numbers may have been exposed on the web for over 8 years
Oh my. It seems that on October 24, Monster Worldwide was contacted by a former employee, who while Googling her name, discovered a spreadsheet with her employment details including her name, address, job title, date of birth, salary, and Social Security number. The spreadsheet had been created in 2003 and was available on the web…
Healthcare most breached industry in 2011? Not by my analyses.
The following was originally posted to The carousel image for this post reflects 2011 statistics from DataLossDB and is used with permission. Note that healthcare sector breaches account for a smaller percentage of total breaches reported in 2011 compared to 2010 while business sector breaches account for a larger percentage of total breaches compared to…