Betsy Sundquist reports: A Minneapolis woman has been charged with credit-card fraud after authorities say she made more than $6,000 in fraudulent transactions on 98 customers’ credit cards within two weeks while working at an Apple Valley store. The fraudulent transactions reportedly occurred between between May 25 and June 10. Read more on AppleValleyPatch. The…
Category: Business Sector
UK: Thief takes computer and cash from garage
Jamie Bowman reports: A Southport mechanic is counting the cost after a thief stole cash and a computer from his garage while he was busy working on a car. Gordon Mawdsley, the owner of the Autofix Centre on Shakespeare Street, said the impact on his business would be “massive”, following the theft of his new…
IL: Debit card numbers stolen at Height’s McDonald’s
An employee at the McDonald’s restaurant at 3717 N. Prospect Road was arrested Friday for allegedly using customers’ debit-card numbers to buy goods online. Ericka Hendon, 23, of 7804 N. St. Joseph Court in Peoria Heights was arrested on 21 counts of deceptive practice, 21 counts of identity theft, four counts of felony theft and…
Two New York men charged in ID theft fraud, stole hotel guests’ information
Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance, Jr., announced the indictment of Lukasz Kruk, 27, and Barry Herndon, 47, for collaborating on a long-term scheme in which they stole and possessed information from 237 credit cards, many of which were used to order more than $840,000 in airline tickets, and other goods and services. According to…
Kidney Times hack reveals users’ e-mail addresses and phone numbers
Via Cyber War News, another hack – this one of the Kidney Times user database with 952 email addresses and phone numbers dumped. Lee J of Cyber War News comments on the breach: Well, this would have to be one of the worst sites you could possible target, regardless. Hackers need to stay away from websites adn…
Washington South Supervisory Union advises members of serious breach in financial computer system
Washington South Supervisory Union in Northfield, Vermont reports what they describe as a “serious security breach on its financial computer system” that may have compromised members’ personal financial information. By letter dated October 28 to those affected, the Supervisory Union indicated that until matters were resolved, payroll checks would be issued using paper paychecks. The…