We’ve known for a long time that when businesses fold, they may just dump records with sensitive information instead of disposing of them properly. And in many states, such actions would not necessarily be illegal. Here’s a timely reminder from Nebraska about a bankruptcy auction involving the Kitchen Place: Two file cabinets that…
Category: Business Sector
OR: Ankeny police: Review debit-card statements for fraud
And yet more reports of fraud coming from Iowa: The Ankeny Police Department is asking area residents to review their bank statements for fraudulent charges related to use of debit cards and PIN numbers. Ankeny police said in a news release Wednesday that although they cannot determine the exact date or time debit card and…
Class Slams Michaels for Data Breach
Chris Fry reports on yet another potential class action lawsuit against Michael’s Store – and it includes a timeliness of notification claim: Michaels Stores took almost 3 months to warn customers that their debit cards’ PIN numbers may have been stolen by skimming devices in at least 20 states, a class action claims in Passaic…
Iowans report fraud from stolen Michael’s store PINs
Another rash of card fraud as a result of the Michael’s Store breach months ago? It seems that it may be. Adam Belz of the Des Moines Register reports: Bankers contacted by the Register were not willing to connect any recent debit-card fraud to the Michael’s in Ankeny. So while all customers who used debit…
Toshiba Hacked?
The message on the first Pastebin post said: Toshiba HACKED BY V0iD DATABASE LEAK: 16% More To Come…. What followed was a list of 11 admins’ email addresses from the TACP database with associated plaintext passwords and ID number. The admin with superuser status was noted. There were also 333 users’ email addresses and plaintext…
Monsanto hacktivists dump some data as they ramp up
A press release posted to Pastebin yesterday read: Over the last 2 months we have pushed the exposure of hundreds of pages of articles detailing Monsanto’s corrupt, unethical, and downright evil business practices. We’ve created a nice go-to reference guide on piratepad/anonpad(anonpad.org/opmonsanto, backed up elsewhere), where anyone can read up on and add their own…