Eric Tucker and Frank Bajak report: News Corp, publisher of The Wall Street Journal, said Friday that it had been hacked and had data stolen from journalists and other employees, and a cybersecurity firm investigating the intrusion said Chinese intelligence-gathering was believed behind the operation. The news company, whose publications and businesses include the New…
Category: Business Sector
IT Staffing Company Settles Data Breach Class Action
Kathryn M. Rattigan of Robinson & Cole writes: Artech Information Systems settled a data breach class action this week for an incident that occurred in January 2020. Artech will pay up to $10,000 to each individual affected by the breach, based on a tiered payment system. Artech, a staffing company specializing in placement for IT…
In Second Largest DeFi Hack Ever, Blockchain Bridge Loses $320M Ether
Jacquelyn Melenik reports: Wormhole, one of the largest bridges between Solana and other blockchains, has been hacked for about $320 million, or 120,000 ether — making it the second largest DeFi hack to date. The interoperability protocol confirmed the exploit in a tweet Wednesday evening. “ETH will be added over the next hours to ensure wETH is backed 1:1,”…
UK Snack Company Hit by Ransomware Attack, Which Could Cause Delivery Delays
James Davey of Reuters reports: Hackers are hitting Britain where it hurts by targeting some of its favorite savory snacks, with the likes of Hula Hoops, KP Nuts, Butterkist popcorn and Nik Naks in their cyber sights. The company behind those brands, KP Snacks, has revealed it has been hit by a cyber-attack which could…
Cyber-attack strikes German fuel supplies
Joe Tidy reports: A major fuel supplier in Germany is operating at a “limited capacity” after a cyber-attack disrupted IT systems at the weekend. Oiltanking Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG stores and transports oil, vehicle fuels and other petroleum products for companies like Shell. It says it discovered it had been hacked on Saturday. It…
Securitas misconfiguration exposed airport employee info
From SafetyDetectives: The SafetyDetectives cybersecurity team discovered a critical data leak affecting the prominent multinational security company, Securitas…. One of the company’s Amazon S3 buckets was left open, exposing over 1 million files. The data we observed related to airport employees from different sites across Colombia and Peru, and there could be entities from other nations with…