Cristian Angeloni reports: Germany-headquartered online advisory firm Scalable Capital has fallen victim to a data leak. According to local newspaper Merkur, the fintech company has suffered a “data protection incident” which saw confidential data being stolen. The clients affected were informed of the incident in a letter which claimed there had been an “unlawful access” of confidential client information in its document…
Category: Business Sector
Recent Closing of Three Tribal Casinos Provides Cyberattack Lessons
Ed Silverstein reports: Two Idaho tribal casinos and one California casino have temporarily closed following a cyberattack. This is relatively unusual, but other gaming properties should prepare for the continuing risk, several cybersecurity legal experts warn. In the latest example, Clearwater River Casino & Lodge in Lewiston and It’se Ye-Ye Casino in Kamiah reopened in…
Twitter-Owned SDK Leaking Location Data of Millions of Users
Joseph Cox reports: A series of popular apps using an outdated piece of code owned by Twitter are exposing their users’ location data. In total, the apps have been downloaded nearly 10 million times. The news highlights the continued role of software development kits (SDKs), small bundles of code that developers often add to their…
Barnes & Noble confirms cyberattack, ransomware group leaks allegedly stolen data
There’s an update to the B&N attack noted last week. Lawrence Abrams reports that the bookseller has confirmed that they were the victim of an attack on October 10 and that the Egregor ransomware group has claimed responsibility for the attack, although their “proof” does not really prove that they exfiltrated any financial or sensitive…
Probe ordered after phone data theft
Yiannis Souliotis reports: The telephone data of thousands of Greek citizens have reportedly been stolen in a massive hacking operation that took place from September 1 to 5 through the OTE telecommunications network. The Athens Court of First Instance has ordered a preliminary probe and asked the cybercrime unit of the Hellenic Police (ELAS) to draft a case file….
Courts fined $9,000 for second data breach in two years
No — it’s not the judiciary, but an electronics retailed in Singapore named Courts. Lester Wong reports: Electronics retailer Courts has been fined $9,000 for failing to secure customers’ personal details such as names, mobile numbers and addresses, the second time in two years that it has been found to have breached data protection laws….