A. J. Dellinger reports: Home improvement startup Houzz suffered informed its users on Thursday, January 31, that it suffered a data breach. The company has not provided details about the occurrence but contacted its users to encourage them to change their passwords as a precautionary measure to prevent accounts from being compromised. Houzz informed its…
Category: Business Sector
Vale é hackeada e documentos mostram como empresa lida com acidentes (Vale is hacked; documents show how company handles accidents)
The following is a Google translation of a news report by Felipe Payao: The Brazilian multinational mining company Vale was invaded and supposedly confidential internal documents were withdrawn and leaked by invaders. Hackers would have taken advantage of an open software toolbox for team collaboration to retrieve minutes and extract security incidents and incidents around the…
ANA Suffers Phishing Attack, Possible Theft Of Data
Wendy Davis reports: The Association of National Advertisers suffered a phishing attack last year that may have resulted in the theft of employee data, including names and social security numbers, MediaPost has learned. The ANA said in a January 24 letter to former employees that it learned last October of a “possible data security incident.”…
UK: Computer hacker, 21, faces jail for stealing customer details from TalkTalk in massive data breach which cost the mobile network £77m
Henry Martin reports: A computer hacker who stole customer details from mobile network TalkTalk in a massive data breach which cost the company £77m in lost business is facing jail. Daniel Kelley, 21, was one of a group of cyber criminals behind the massive data breach in October 2015. The gang also demanded 465 bitcoin…
Airbus data breach impacts employees in Europe
Catalin Cimpanu reports: European aerospace corporation Airbus disclosed today a security breach that impacted its commercial aircraft manufacturing business. The company said the security breach “resulted in unauthorised access to data.” According to a press release published earlier today, Airbus said that “some personal data was accessed,” but “mostly professional contact and IT identification details…
Filipino Telecom giant Globe leaks customer registration data
Ray Walsh reports: Online reports have emerged that Filipino telecoms Globe Telecom Inc. has experienced a widespread data blunder. The major telecoms provider has allegedly leaked customer’s private details to fellow customers via email. The firm, one of the most popular in the Philippines, has around 60 million customers. On Friday, January 28, a string…