Nirave Gondhia reports: Update 2: After OnePlus emailed Jack Cooper to say they were patching the exploit that allowed him to hack the invite system (see original article bottom followed by the update below), Jake decided to hack the system yet again. This time, he used a couple of methods he first discovered when attempting to hack it the first…
Category: Business Sector
Hacked e-mails: Boeing wants its drones to hack computers from the sky
Jacob Bogage reports: Drone have been used to drop bombs, spy on foreign countries and monitor how farmers work their fields. Now they could help hack into personal computers. According to e-mails posted by WikiLeaks, military contractors may want to do just that. Boeing and Hacking Team — a Milan-based company criticized for selling surveillance software to repressive governments — were in talks…
SterlingBackcheck reports stolen laptop contained background check information on job applicants (updated)
On May 29, a laptop with a spread sheet containing an undisclosed number of job applicants’ names, dates of birth, and Social Security numbers was stolen from a SterlingBackcheck employee’s car. SterlingBackcheck (a trademark of Sterling Infosystems) learned of the theft on May 30, and notified law enforcement. The personal information in the spreadsheet came from two sources: the…
AU: Sensis publishes hundreds of silent numbers online
Andrew Sadauskas reports: Sensis and Telstra are investigating a privacy breach that led to the publication of the unlisted phone numbers and addresses of at least 230 residential and business customers. At least 80 residential customers with unlisted numbers have had their phone numbers, addresses and, in some cases, part of their names published in…
Does the Seventh Circuit opinion in Neiman Marcus litigation impact FTC v. Wyndham?
Since the Seventh Circuit revived the class action lawsuit, Remijas v. Neiman Marcus, there has been a lot of buzz about how the opinion will make it easier for consumers going forward. The opinion (appended to this file), addresses Article III standing, which has been a major stumbling block in the majority of lawsuits. But skip on…
IL: Batavia Container sues former employee for trade secrets theft
Eric Schelkopf reports that Batavia Container Inc. has sued a former employee, Robert M. Dunn. The suit alleges he stole company secrets before he left to work for a competitor, Victory Packaging, and that his employment with Victory Packaging was in violation of the provisions of a noncompete agreement. Read more on In related coverage on The Daily Herald,…