Anne D’Innocenzio of Associated Press reports: American shoppers say they are very concerned about the safety of their personal information following a massive security breach at Target, but many aren’t taking steps to ensure their data is more secure, according to a new Associated Press–GfK Poll. The poll finds a striking contradiction: Americans say they…
Category: Business Sector
McGuire’s Irish Pub customer credit card data stolen by hackers
Dennis Pillion reports: The restaurant group behind the iconic McGuire’s Irish Pub locations in Pensacola and Destin announced that hackers gained access to their computer system for a period of 90 days, ending in December 2013. According to a report in the Pensacola News Journal, the McGuire Management Group does not know how many credit card…
Michaels Stores Sued After Reporting Possible Data Breach
Andrew Harris reports: Michaels Stores Inc. (MIK:US), the world’s largest arts-and-crafts retailer, was sued by a customer for failing to safeguard data after the company said some payment-card information may have been used fraudulently. The Irving, Texas-based company said Jan. 25 that it “recently learned of possible fraudulent activity on some U.S. payment cards that had…
YahooXtra email accounts compromised following security breach
ANI reports: Some of the user accounts of Telecom’s YahooXtra have been reportedly compromised, following a security breach, which is apparently affecting non-Telecom customers as well. Telecom said that Yahoo had acknowledged an email security breach that compromised some YahooXtra email accounts. According to a website, spokeswoman Lucy Fullarton said that Yahoo was investigating the…
Michaels Stores reports possible card breach
Brian Krebs has the scoop again. This time it’s Michaels Stores (yes, them again) that may have had a security breach. Read more on Having had the story start to leak out earlier, Michaels has now issued a statement: Michaels Stores, Inc. (the “Company” or “Michaels”) recently learned of possible fraudulent activity on some U.S….
Data security breach hits Portland-area employees of PCC Structurals (updated)
Richard Reed reports: Sometime between Dec. 30 and Jan. 10, an unidentified person left documents in a Portland-area restaurant that included confidential information about PCC Structurals Inc. employees. The security breach was low-tech, unlike the recent data disaster at Target Corp., in which hackers stole credit-card and other personal information for as many as 110 million customers. But…