Kevin G. Staker of StakerLaw Tax and Estate Planning Law Corporation is notifying clients that a backup drive with their Social Security numbers and assets information was stolen from his home in a burglary on December 20. The irony of the backup drive being in his home in case there was an office fire was not…
Category: Business Sector
The Briar Group discloses security breach affecting eight Boston bars and restaurants (updated)
Uh oh. NECN reports: A Boston restaurant group is letting patrons know that its computer systems were breached. The Briar Group, or BRG, says someone had unauthorized access to card data at the restaurants between October and early November. Diana Pisciotta, a spokesperson for the group, says they have been working on identifying the source…
Target confirms encrypted debit PIN data was stolen during hack
First they said it wasn’t, now they say it was but not to worry…. read Chris Welch’s report on The Verge.
Frustrated with SnapChat’s non-response to their vulnerability report, researchers go public
Julie Bort reports: If you use Snapchat please be aware that your phone number could now be grabbed by hackers, security researchers told Business Insider. That’s because these same researchers just published detailed instructions on how to hack Snapchat. The researchers, who call their company Gibson Security, were frustrated that Snapchat had ignored their previous…
CN: Gang selling personal information busted
Ke Jiayun reports: A 10-member gang were caught in Beijing and Shanghai for illegally obtaining and selling personal information, with local police saying it had seized data belonging to nearly 1 million people. The gang made over 320,000 yuan (US$52,704) from the illegal dealings. In mid-August this year, a woman filed a complaint claiming her…
WoW Hacker Group Mastermind Sentenced To Two Years In Chinese Prison
Eric Jou reports: Late last week, in Zhejiang province’s Songyang county court, ten men were sentenced to prison terms of up to two years. These men didn’t commit super heinous crimes, but they did commit a terrible one: they were found guilty of hacking and defrauding over 10,000 World of WarCraft accounts. Read more on