Chris Ziegler reports: The individual or team claiming responsibility for SnapchatDB has responded to The Verge‘s requests for comment the morning after the database went online, containing a leaked collection of some 4.6 million apparent Snapchat usernames and partial phone numbers. “Our motivation behind the release was to raise the public awareness around the issue, and also put…
Category: Business Sector
Hacker group targets Skype social media accounts
John Ribeiro reports: Skype said its social media properties were targeted, with a group calling itself the Syrian Electronic Army appearing to claim credit for the hacks. “You may have noticed our social media properties were targeted today,” Skype said in a Twitter message late Wednesday. “No user info was compromised. We’re sorry for the inconvenience.” Read…
This was all too predictable…
Remember how I posted about how some frustrated researchers at Gibson Security had gone public with a SnapChat vulnerability that the firm allegedly hadn’t addressed? Well, now it seems 4.6 million SnapChat users’usernames and phone numbers have been leaked.
‘Wichcraft notice to customers
December 30, 2013 ‘wichcraft Operating, LLC recently learned that an unauthorized party gained access to our systems, compromising the payment card information of certain customers who made purchases at a ‘wichcraft location in New York or San Francisco using a payment card from approximately August 11, 2013 to October 2, 2013. Based on our investigation,…
Omniquad Surf Wall Remote injects string into the browser user agent that identifies users – claim
Back in October 2010, I noted a breach involving managed security services provider Omniquad. Omniquad acknowledged the breach that involved helpdesk tickets leaking online, but the firm’s managing director, Daniel Sobstel, subsequently claimed that Webroot reseller Infosec Technologies started contacting his customers and passing on misleading information about the size of the data breach. Now…
T-Mobile USA customers to be notified of security breach at supplier’s (update 2)
It looks like T-Mobile USA will be sending out breach notification letters to customers after the New Year. A template of their notification letter, uploaded today to California’s breach site, explains: We are writing to inform you of a recent incident of unauthorized access to a file stored on servers owned and managed by a…