Alexander Martin reports: Hackers accessed the University of Warwick’s administrative network last year in an attack which has been kept secret from the affected individuals and organisations, Sky News has learnt. The security incident occurred when a staff member installed remote-viewing software enabling hackers to steal sensitive personal information on students, staff and even volunteers…
Category: Education Sector
Email, class registration, payroll down from computer hack at Illinois Valley Community College
From WCMY: Illinois Valley Community College’s administrators believe the computer hack they discovered Friday can be fixed and a private company can do it. They don’t know what it’ll cost yet, but they believe the computer systems can be unlocked within ten days. IVCC Vice President for Business Services and Finance Cheryl Roelfsema said at…
IE: Data of 9,735 teachers shared after ‘phishing’ email breach
Katherine Donnelly reports: A data breach at the Teaching Council has led to personal information relating to 9,735 teachers being shared. The council, which holds personal data on 104,000 serving and retired teachers, has alerted those affected and said it was “not likely to result in any real risk to you in circumstances where limited…
Coronavirus Compounds K-12 Cybersecurity Problems: 5 Areas to Watch
Jake Maher reports: Cybersecurity experts have warned about coronavirus pandemic-related phishing scams targeting all sectors of the economy, from health care and consumer products to banking. Now, schools are being warned to be extra vigilant too. Doug Levin, the founder and president of the K-12 Cybersecurity Resource Center, pointed out that schools have long been the subject…
IL: College of DuPage data security breach could affect 1,700 current, former employees
Robert Sanchez reports: Personal and tax information for more than 1,700 current and former employees of the College of DuPage may have been impacted by a recent data security breach, officials at the Glen Ellyn school said Monday. President Brian Caputo said officials believe it’s unlikely the information contained in the 2018 W-2 forms of…
Wichita State University notifying 1,762 Iowans whose personal info was accessed by hacker
2019 was a difficult year for Wichita State University in terms of cybersecurity. They started the year with a phishing incident that stole some employees’ paychecks, and it seems that they ended the year with another incident. As their external counsel wrote on March 10: In December 2019, WSU learned of a security incident involving…