A toot by Doug Levin yesterday reminded me that I haven’t posted NYS Comptroller audits of school districts in a while. So here are three to get caught up: Jericho Union Free School District – Acceptable Use Policy (2022M-194) Issued Date: July 21, 2023 Audit Objective Determine whether Jericho Union Free School District (District) officials…
Category: Education Sector
Buckingham County Public Schools notifies 86 students after a business email account was compromised
Buckingham County Public Schools in Virginia has sent notifications to parents of 86 students after a compromise of a district’s business email account. The incident occurred on June 20. Information in the email account included the student’s name “coupled with a limited amount of health or medical diagnostic and treatment information, and/or address. Examples typical…
Hundreds of children’s medical documents found along Cape Coral streets
Justin Kase and Rachel Murphy report: Hundreds of children’s private records were littered along the streets of Cape Coral. Police picked up most of the documents after they were reported Friday. Read more at WINK News. From the transcript and the video of the news, it appears that these are likely student health records held…
Stephen F. Austin State University breach included counseling records
As reported by East Texas Radio: Officials have determined that 8,600 counseling records and about 100 people’s government-issued identification numbers were stolen in a cyberattack at Stephen F. Austin State University last month. The cyber-attack hit SFA, causing their systems to go down. When officials discovered what happened, the university removed internet connections to contain…
Social Security numbers, other data may have been stolen breaches at Lansing Community College and D’Youville University
Mike Ellis reports: More than three-quarters of a million people may have had their social security numbers stolen in a data breach at Lansing Community College in late 2022 and early 2023, according to a law firm that says it’s investigating the incident. The community college notified “757,832 employees, students and vendors that their personal…
College learns that two of its vendors were impacted by MOVEit breach.
Earlier this week, DataBreaches reported that Imagine360 had the unfortunate experience of discovering that two of their file-sharing platforms had both suffered breaches within days of each other: Citrix and Fortra/GoAnywhere. Today we bring you another double-whammy scenario. But in this one, it’s not two different platforms being breached within days of each other. This…