TNN reports: Lucknow University has lost all the data of students who had filled in the online application to appear for back paper and improvement examination after the university’s examination website was hacked two days ago. Read more on Times of India. It’s interesting that Times of India would be so firm in declaring that…
Category: Education Sector
GA: Hundreds of DeKalb teachers’ personal information exposed
Keith Whitney reports: Just one day after that massive data leak from the Georgia Secretary of State’s office there was yet another one. This one involved hundreds of teachers from the DeKalb County School System. The breach was part of a mass email that was sent out to the system’s special education teachers. But somehow,…
AU: Law student charged with hacking UQ to get better marks
AAP reports: A law student has been charged with hacking the University of Queensland‘s computer system to cheat his way to better marks. The student allegedly used a staff ID card to break into a staff area and logged on to the private system to upgrade the marks on his papers ahead of graduation, according…
In: Class 12 student finds Gauhati University website highly insecure, says can be hacked through phone
Guwahati writes; While surfing for similar vulnerability, the information security enthusiast also managed to find flaws in the content management system of a political party’s website. Rony Das, a class XII student of Bongaigaon Railway HS School hacked into the servers of the Gauhati University website through his Android phone in December last year and…
MA: Theft of two registrar’s laptops put Brandeis University students’ data at risk (Updated)
Abby Patkin reports: Two Apple laptops containing academic and personal information for all students enrolled or taking a course at the University from the summer of 2012 to the present were stolen from the University Registrar, according to a Nov. 12 email sent by Marianne Cwalina, the senior vice president for finance and treasurer. The…
KR: KAIST students’ credit card information stolen
Kim Se-jeong reports: More than a dozen students and faculty at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science Technology (KAIST) have had their credit card information stolen by a hacker who attempted to make payments in Japan, according to the school, Thursday. The school said that the number of victims was about 20, but the number…