The University of California, Washington Center (UCDC) recently notified alumni of a breach involving their course pre-enrollment system. As a result of the June 7 attack on UCDC’s cloud-based provider,, alumni’s usernames, postal and email addresses, passwords, gender, date of birth, and courses taken were accessed. The breach was discovered on June 9. The…
Category: Education Sector
CO: Summit School District corrects security breach that leaked student information
The Summit Daily reports: Last week Summit School District officials discovered a security issue that made some student and parent information available online. […] The information the parent found came from an internal student data file the district used for automated calls to parents about their children’s negative food account balances. The file contained the…
MA: Uxbridge student data was on stolen Medicaid billing laptop
Susan Spencer reports: Parents whose children received services in Uxbridge public schools that were partially covered by the state Medicaid program are being encouraged to request a security freeze on their children’s credit reports after a laptop containing personal information was stolen from a Medicaid vendor’s vehicle. Kevin M. Carney, superintendent of schools, sent a…
Just in Time Research: Data Breaches in Higher Education
Just in Time Research: Data Breaches in Higher Education This “Just in Time” research is in response to recent discussions on the EDUCAUSE Higher Education Information Security Council (HEISC) discussion list about data breaches in higher education. Using data from the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, this research analyzes data breaches attributed to higher education. The results…
High school computer whiz, 16, criminally charged with hacking grades: A+ for effort?
John Luciew reports: One thing is clear, the 16-year-old sophomore at the center of an alleged grade and attendance-record hacking case in Orange, N.J., apparently has some mad computer skills and plenty of smarts for executing elaborate plans. If only the student would apply those academic assets to his or her school work, then perhaps…
NYC parents of school children: wake up and speak up to protect your child’s information!
Several years ago, I wrote to the NYC Comptroller’s Office and asked them to re-audit the NYC Department of Education on information technology/data security. To my knowledge, they haven’t done so. If you are a parent of a student in the NYC schools, this should concern you because the previous audit and two re-audits showed…