Macquarie University appears to have been hacked. Read the coverage on ZDNet and see a mirror of the defacement and the message.
Category: Education Sector
This ‘n that, Part 2
Another cup of coffee, and here’s some of what I’m reading: Western Connecticut State University is notifying 235,000 people their records, including social security numbers and other personal information, were insecure on its computers for three years and four months. WCSU said it has found no evidence that records were inappropriately accessed. Read about it…
WI: Stanley-Boyd schools’ $150,000 payroll hacked
Chris Vetter and Chuck Rupnow report that the Stanley-Boyd school district had its payroll funds hacked/diverted. You can read about it on The Leader-Telegram, although it’s early days and they don’t seem to know yet how this happened.
Scripps College reports second breach this year
It has not been a great year for infosecurity for Claremont-based Scripps College, it seems. Back in July, they disclosed that an employee had been sharing student financial aid applications with an unauthorized individual on and off since 2008. The employee was not thought to have any malicious intent, but it was still a breach,…
Stolen thumb drives might hold personal data on Ramstein students
Jennifer H. Svan reports: The theft of five thumb drives from an unlocked vehicle may have compromised the personal information of hundreds of pupils, their parents and staff members at a Defense Department school in Germany, school officials said Wednesday. Parents of more than 900 students at Ramstein Intermediate School were notified of the possible…
Ca: Personal information of nearly 300 Wilfrid Laurier students found online
Elizabeth DiCesare reports: While preparing to apply to Canada’s police forces, Bob Baumgartner, a Wilfrid Laurier University (WLU) graduate, decided to do a Google search of himself, and found more than he was expecting. After typing in his old e-mail address, Baumgartner found a list of 297 former WLU students that included their personal contact…