There’s been an arrest in the case of the recent break in at a University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill office where 30 students’ records held by the Honor Court were stolen. reports: Garrett Lee Haywood, 22, of Chapel Hill, was arrested today on charges of breaking-and-entering, larceny and possession of stolen goods. Haywood was…
Category: Education Sector
UK: Hampshire school breached data protection rules
From the Information Commissioner’s Office: Bay House School in Hampshire breached the Data Protection Act after the personal details of nearly 20,000 individuals, including some 7,600 pupils, were put at risk during a hacking attack on its website. The hack – which happened in March and involved one of the school’s pupils – exposed pupils’…
University of Arizona responds to email hack
DA Morales reports on an email hack that didn’t involve any PII but serves as a reminder that you can have a long passphrase or great password, but that’s not enough: The computer security at the UA seems tough to beat, or so it seemed until last night. If you have ever had to set…
Dozens of U. North Carolina student records stolen during break-in
UNC-Chapel Hill campus police are investigating a breaking and entering case where 30 confidential student records were stolen from the student judicial system office. The break-in was discovered at 8 a.m. Monday. Campus police say it appears the suspect or suspects broke in to the office and took the files. University student affairs officials are…
A costly reminder that encrypting a laptop doesn’t help if you don’t shut down the laptop
Add Tufts University to the list of educational institutions reporting a breach this year. On July 7, the university notified the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office that a laptop used by a professor conducting research at Massachusetts General Hospital also contained a file with information on applicants to Tufts’ Graduate School of Arts and Science…
UNLV says maybe they were breached, but if they were, it was in 2008??
Molly Waldron reports on a situation at University of Nevada Las Vegas: UNLV has reported a possible information security breach that took place in 2008. A spokesman at the school confirmed Tuesday evening that about 2,000 current and former UNLV employees, were being notified that their information, including Social Security numbers, may have been accessed….