Andy Ross of the Killeen Daily Herald had some additional information on the Killeen ISD data breach reported earlier this week: KISD spokeswoman Leslie Gilmore confirmed on Tuesday that documents containing Social Security numbers and other student information were found Sunday evening near Old FM 440 and Stan Schlueter Loop in Killeen. […] Gilmore said…
Category: Education Sector
Hackers Take Schools To School
Nice to see on data on this. Tim Wilson of Dark Reading writes: Some 63 percent of K-12 schools say they have experienced at least two security breaches in the past year, according to a new study, and their IT administrators are struggling to find the resources they need to keep up with security tasks….
SSNs of All Laredo ISD Students Missing In Data Breach; Trustee says not “a big deal”
Morgan Smith reports: A disk holding the Social Security numbers of every student in the Laredo Independent School District — a total of 24,903 — has gone missing, according to the Texas Education Agency. TEA spokeswoman Suzanne Marchman said the agency first became aware of the situation in January, when officials with the University of…
MI: Bloomfield Hills Schools exposes employees’ names and Social Security numbers to parents
Bill Laitner reports that a response to a freedom of information request provided more information than it should have: The Bloomfield Hills School District accidentally revealed the names and Social Security numbers of 321 employees to two district parents who requested the number of staff whose salaries and benefits totaled $100,000 or more. When parent…
TX: Local Man Finds Student Social Security Numbers in Field
Eli Ross reports on a document disposal breach involving the Killeen Independent School District. The papers may have (and I stress may at this point as nothing’s clear or confirmed): […] Perez showed News 10 where the wind had blown many documents, and News 10 found even more, including teacher evaluations, test-preparation materials, and even…
UK: University email disclosed data of students with disabilities
Zack Whittaker writes: An email popped up on my Outlook earlier yesterday which nearly threw me off my chair. […] The email discussed my exam arrangements for this summer’s finals, whereby I would have my seating arrangements changed to accommodate my disability. You can’t have someone shouting out the answers in the same exam hall…