Brock University officials scrambled this week to secure the private information of more than 17,000 students that was inadvertently put up on the Internet. An error was made on Dec. 22 when a library staff member accidentally uploaded a file containing all student names, student numbers, phone numbers, mailing and email addresses to the publicly…
Category: Education Sector
Nl: University of Utrecht leaks pay slips
Karin Spaink summarizes, in English, a breach reported on Randstad HR Solutions, which apparently takes care of the payroll information of the employees of the University of Utrecht, made an error. Employees did not only receive their own January pay slip and yearly overviews, but also slips and overviews intended for others. Randstad HR…
WV: Student info leaked through routine update
Around 53 West Virginia University students’ personal information was available to others following an “operational error” during a routine update of tax information Jan. 15. The students’ 1098-T forms, which include their Social Security number and tax identification numbers, among others, were uploaded to the University’s 1098-T Web site. The forms are distributed to WVU…
Humboldt State University employee info possibly compromised after computer virus
Chris Durant reports: A Humboldt State University computer infected with a virus may have exposed the personal information of 3,500 people employed by the school between 2002 and 2006. HSU spokesman Paul Mann said no employees or former employees have yet reported having their information — like Social Security numbers — being used or stolen….
Illinois Republican Gubernatorial candidate Andy McKenna’s campaign “pilfered” NDU alumni info – alumnus
A Notre Dame University alumnus, Gary Caruso, has taken to the Web to question how Notre Dame University Alumni Association records were obtained by Illinois Republican Gubernatorial candidate Andy McKenna’s campaign. According to Caruso, McKenna is an alumnus of NDU and those alumni who were in his class have found themselves on the receiving end…
NY: Police Investigating Laptop Theft, Security Breach of 1,400 Columbia Affiliates
From BWOG, Columbia University’s undergraduate magazine: Three laptops containing the personal information of 1,400 Columbia affiliates were stolen Monday from university offices, administration sources tell Bwog. Though details of the thefts are not yet being released, university officials confirm that Social Security numbers are among the sensitive data contained on the laptops. The computers were…