The Orlando Sentinel has updated its reporting on the Florida Hospital breach. You can read their coverage here, but among the new details revealed are that 2,252 patients are affected and that the purpose of the improper access seemed to be to identify car accident victims whose contact details could then be passed to an…
Category: Health Data
Florida Hospital privacy breach: Workers accessed ER patient information
David Breen reports: Florida Hospital has admitted — in a newspaper advertisement — that its employees improperly accessed patient information at emergency departments in three Central Florida counties during a 20-month period ending in August. Law enforcement has been contacted and investigators are reviewing what happened in what was described as an ‘inappropriate access” of…
Confirmed: the SAIC/TRICARE breach was due to theft of tapes left in an unattended vehicle
Sig Christensen has the confirmation for my hunch that the SAIC breach involved theft and not just loss of the backup tapes: Science Applications International Corp., a Pentagon contractor, said Thursday the worker had been given the job of taking the tapes from one federal facility to another when they were stolen. A San Antonio police report…
AnonAustria claims to have acquired personal information of 600,000 of public medical insurer's enrollees
The Austrian Independent reports: …. Anonymous Austria, the Austrian department of an internationally operating network of hackers, claimed yesterday (Weds) they got hold of data containing information about thousands of clients of Tyrol’s public health insurance company TGKK. The hackers said they were now in possession of 600,000 TGKK data sets. Anonymous Austria announced they…
CORRECTION to Story on Summit Medical Group
When I goof, I goof. The other day, I posted an entry on Summit Medical Group. In that entry, I quoted from a published media source, but somehow mis-read the story and thought it concerned a laptop stolen from an employee’s car. The breach did not involve a stolen laptop – these were paper documents,…
TRICARE discloses SAIC breach: stolen backup tapes held data on 4.9 million (updated)
TRICARE, the health care program serving Uniformed Service members, retirees and their families worldwide, issued the following public statement on their web site: STATEMENT On September 14, 2011, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) reported a data breach involving personally identifiable and protected health information (PII/PHI) impacting an estimated 4.9 million military clinic and hospital patients. The information…