Jordan Robertson of Associated Press reports: Until recently, medical files belonging to nearly 300,000 Californians sat unsecured on the Internet for the entire world to see. There were insurance forms, Social Security numbers and doctors’ notes. Among the files were summaries that spelled out, in painstaking detail, a trucker’s crushed fingers, a maintenance worker’s broken…
Category: Health Data
FI: Patient medical data on computer found in ditch
From YLE: A computer containing thousands of people’s private medical data was found in a ditch on a Turku motorway, according to the daily Turun Sanomat. The patients listed include politicians, businessmen and top athletes. The computer belongs to a private chiropractor, and the patient records and data were not password protected. The staff at…
Mount Sinai Medical Center reports two stolen laptops contained Social Security Numbers and diagnoses
Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, notified HHS of a laptop theft on June 7th involving PHI on 712 patients. The hospital posted a public notice on its site on July 11th: Public Notice July 11, 2011 NEW YORK, NY – July 11, 2011 /Press Release/ –– Mount Sinai Multispecialty Physicians Practice announced today that two…
University of Missouri Health Care breach involved 1,288 patients’ payment billing information
University of Missouri Health Care recently notified HHS of a breach involving the records on 1,288 patients. According to a news release on their web site issued June 21: University of Missouri Health Care and the University of Missouri Police Department are investigating a missing package containing patient billing information. On June 14, University of Missouri Health Care officials failed…
University of Missouri Health Care reports breach affecting 1,288 patients' payment billing information
University of Missouri Health Care recently notified HHS of a breach involving the records on 1,288 patients. According to a news release on their web site issued June 21: University of Missouri Health Care and the University of Missouri Police Department are investigating a missing package containing patient billing information. On June 14, University of Missouri…
Coding error results in San Mateo Health Plan disclosing members' medical and personal details to other members
The Health Plan of San Mateo (HPSM) in California notified HHS of a breach involving paper records that affected 694 patients. According to a notice prominently linked from the health plan’s home page, a programming error resulted in 700 approval notifications being mailed to the wrong members from April 1 to June 8, 2011: The notifications…