It was only a matter of time until we found out how many people Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System had to notify about the laptop stolen from an employee’s car in March. The incident has now been posted on HHS’s breach tool and it appears they reported that 400,000 patients were affected. The employee was authorized…
Category: Health Data
Cancer Center Blamed for Stolen Laptop; Delayed Notice Blamed for ID Theft
Okay, here’s a breach I never saw reported anywhere in my usual sources, until I read about it in a lawsuit. Via Courthouse News’ Joe Harris: A hospital and cancer center allowed a laptop computer stuffed with unencrypted, confidential information on its patients to be stolen, and did not notify patients of the data theft…
Cancer Center Blamed for Stolen Laptop; Delayed Notice Blamed for ID Theft
Okay, here’s a breach I never saw reported anywhere in my usual sources, until I read about it in a lawsuit. Via Courthouse News’ Joe Harris: A hospital and cancer center allowed a laptop computer stuffed with unencrypted, confidential information on its patients to be stolen, and did not notify patients of the data theft…
Concord Hospital reports audit revealed improper records access by employee
Auditing works. On June 7, Concord Hospital notified the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office that through its routine auditing, it had detected that an employee had improperly accessed 40 patients’ records, 13 of which had Social Security Numbers in the files. The individuals were mostly relatives, friends, and acquaintances. The hospital discovered the breach on…
UK: Health service must get it right on data security, says ICO; 5 NHS Trusts sign undertakings concerning protection of paper records
The health service needs to do more to keep patients’ personal information secure, the Information Commissioner said today. The warning comes as the ICO finds a further five health organisations in breach of the Data Protection Act. Information Commissioner, Christopher Graham, said: “The health service holds some of the most sensitive personal information of any…
TN: Laptop with more than 1,500 patients’ data stolen
Chris Echegaray reports: A laptop containing more than 1,500 patient names and their personal information was stolen from a medical billing company employee’s car last month. PhyData LLC, a medical billing and management company in Goodlettsville, reported the laptop stolen from the trunk of the worker’s vehicle at RiverGate Mall on May 7, said Joy…