Chris MacLennan reports: A data breach at NHS Highland has led to the personal information of 284 patients with diabetes being shared with more than 30 people. The error, which occurred on Tuesday November 17, led to the names, dates of births, contact information and hospital identification numbers of the patients being revealed. Read more…
Category: Health Data
Indiana justices agree to hear hospital records suit stemming from insider snooping case
Attempts to hold an entity liable for the wrongdoing of an employee has produced mixed results in the courts. Here’s a case in Indiana like that, below. As seen on The Indiana Lawyer: Justices last week granted transfer in the case of Community Health Network, Inc. v. Heather McKenzie, et al., 20S-CT-648. Heather McKenzie’s medical records…
Bad Medicine: Hospital Hit With Multiple Data Breach Class Actions for Unauthorized Access of Patient Records
Kristin L. Bryan of Squire Patton Boggs writes: Healthcare data breaches are on the rise-recent estimates peg the number of patient records breached in 2019 as exceeding 41 million individuals. Additionally, approximately 60% of all healthcare data breaches are caused by internal actors—a statistic underscored by consecutive data breach class actions filed against the Mayo…
Amazon’s Pharmacy Venture Opens New Privacy, Security Law Risks
Jacquie Lee and Jake Holland report: Amazon’s push into delivering prescription drugs puts it in the crosshairs of everyone from state attorneys general to data thieves—who will all be scrutinizing how the e-commerce giant protects sensitive patient information. Amazon’s new online pharmacy business will sell brand and generic prescription medications that consumers can buy through their insurance…
UK: Second hospital data breach revealed in online papers
Emily Roberts reports: A second data breach has been reported by the trust which runs Basingstoke hospital, after personal data of 1,000 members of staff was shared. Details of the breach which was reported to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) in July, have come to light in meeting papers published by Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation…
A month after cyberattack, UVM Medical Center restores access to electronic records
Kate Jickling reports: The University of Medical Center’s electronic medical records system is up and running nearly a month after the hospital fell victim to a cyberattack. Over the weekend, the hospital tech team restored Epic health records system, giving doctors and nurses full access to patient medical history, appointments, and medications, said Al Gobeille, a vice…