Here’s one that you won’t see on HHS’s breach tool because it affected fewer than 500 patients: Emmorton Associates (Emmorton Psych/Emmorton Treatment Services) in Abingdon, Maryland discovered that a counselor’s locked office file cabinet had been broken into sometime between December 10 and December 21. The files on 75 patients included their full names, date…
Category: Health Data
Calvert Internal Medicine notifies employees of possible compromise of their SSN, payroll info
On March 19, Calvert Internal Medicine in Maryland notified current and former employees of a computer compromise that may have exposed their Social Security numbers to misuse. A copy of their notification was sent to the Maryland Attorney General’s Office. From reading their description of the breach, it seems that ADP failed to restore a…
Inland Valleys IPA members notified by SynerMed of breach involving their PHI
IT solutions provider SynerMed has been notifying patients whose PHI was on a laptop stolen from an employee’s car. The PHI in question was from members of Inland Valleys IPA. According to their notification letter, the laptop was stolen on the night of April 14 or morning of April 15, while the car was parked…
Sutter Health East Bay Region reports breach after police uncover patient information during investigation
Sutter Health East Bay Region is notifying patients of a breach they first learned about on May 23. According to their letter, a copy of which was provided to the California Attorney General’s Office, on May 23, they were notified by the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office that patient information had been discovered as part of an…
HHS updates its breach tool
While I was away, HHS updated its breach tool again. As is often the case, some of their new entries are breaches we knew about already: University of Florida University of Rochester Medical Center & Affiliates Presbyterian Anesthesia Associates PA/E-dreamz Comfort Dental Regional Medical Center Piedmont HealthCare, P.A/E-dreamz Sonoma Valley Hospital Dent Neurologic Group, LLP…
Ah, that pesky human error
Here are some breach reports you won’t see on HHS’s breach tool because they involve only a few patients, but they all involve human error by CareFirst employees who were mailing out information or claims: One insured’s payment receipt with Social Security number was mailed to another individual; One person’s claims information, including medical details was…