For the second time in six months, Louisiana State University (LSU) has disclosed a breach involving patient information. Willard Woods of KSLA reports: A database error in a computer entry field led to the disclosure of personal health information of 8,330 LSU Health patients. The hospital says it notified each patient on Wednesday of the…
Category: Health Data
Tucson patients personal information found in Tempe
KVOA reports that information on 8 patients of a Tucson doctor including their names, date of birth, Social Security numbers, and health insurance information wound up in a yard in Tempe. We won’t name the Tucson doctor involved because it is still unclear where the mistake was made, but we do know the company that handles his…
Hospital says credit card information for 2K patients possibly compromised
The compromise at web hosting firm E-dreamz, reported here earlier today, didn’t affect only Presbyterian Anesthesia Associates. According to Torie Wells, approximately 2,000 patients of Piedmont Healthcare were also affected: We were told that E-dreamz databases had been compromised and that credit card data of a number of our patients had been exposed,” said Gregory Guin,…
More details from Presbyterian Anesthesia Associates breach has obtained more details on the breach affecting almost 10,000 patients of Presbyterian Anesthesia Associates. Apparently the data were encrypted, but the encryption key was acquired by whomever attacked the E-Dreamz server hosting the practice’s database.
Follow-up: Boca Raton Regional Hospital patient scheduler and co-conspirator plead guilty in tax refund fraud scheme
More on a case reported previously on this blog: Shalamar Major, 32, and Tanisha Wright, 27, both of Deerfield Beach, pled guilty on May 13 in connection with a tax refund scheme that used stolen social security and other personal identifying information to file on-line tax returns claiming fraudulent tax refunds from the IRS. More…
South Bend dentist office faced with computer security breach
The South Bend Tribune reports: A local dentist’s office is working to ensure its patients’ records are secure after a virus attacked the office’s computer system in March. Staff at Erskine Family Dentistry, 734 E. Ireland Road, say there is no indication the virus has accessed the personal information of patients, according to a news…