A memory stick containing confidential information on people with learning disabilities and with mental illness has been lost. Although the memory stick was lost in August, the news has only been revealed today by the Department of Social Care. It was lost by an employee of Praxis Care Isle of Man which ‘provides a range…
Category: Health Data
Palm Pilot stolen from surgeon's car contained patient information
Another incident added this week to HHS’s breach tool was reported by Jonathan Noel, M.D. of Indiana. I could not find a web site or media coverage for the incident, but did find a substitute/public notice had been published about the breach in Paoli New Republican. The full notice is not available without subscription and login,…
3,116 NEA Baptist Clinic patients notified after web site hacked
Listed in the most recent batch of updates to HHS’s breach tool was an entry for NEA Baptist Clinic in Jonesboro, Arkansas. A statement on the clinic’s web site, which I found through a Google search and not via a link from their home page, says: NEA Baptist Clinic’s former public website was compromised by…
Update: Lawsuit against Keystone and Amerihealth remanded to state court
Via Courthouse News, a potential class action lawsuit against Keystone Mercy Health Plan and Amerihealth Mercy Health Plan over a data breach last year has been sent back to state court – over the arguments of the insurers being sued.
AssureCare breach in May also affected Gypsum Management and Supply employees
Newly revealed on HHS’s breach tool: Gypsum Management and Supply, Inc. had 25,330 employees enrolled in their healthcare and dental plan who were affected by the AssureCare hacking incident in May.
Texas Health and Human Services notified 1,696 of laptop stolen from car
And yet again. Hmmm. I seem to have missed this September 9th notice from Texas Health and Human Services: AUSTIN – The state is notifying almost 1,700 people that a stolen laptop may have contained their names, birthdates and some health information. All the affected individuals will be provided with free credit monitoring services although…