The sleuths of Cyber Crime Cell of Hyderabad Police today claimed to have busted a credit card fraud involving clandestine leakage of client’s confidential data with the arrest of four persons belonging to Andhra Pradesh. The police seized cloned credit cards of various banks, (local and international pertaining to Indians cards), skimmer (a device used…
Category: Breach Incidents
IBM Employee Information Disclosed By Supplier In China
According to South Metropolitan Daily newspaper, the personal data of more than 1000 employees of IBM Shenzhen has been disclosed and used to apply for credit cards. Employees of IBM Shenzhen found that their personal information had been disclosed and this data was used to apply for credit cards without their knowledge with a Bank…
School district hiding behind a criminal investigation – parent
On the principle of “no good deed goes unpunished,” some of those who have discovered and reported breaches have been terminated or prosecuted for their actions, such as Providence Home Services systems analyst Steven Shields who alleged that he was fired for reporting a breach, John Denning who alleges that Kaiser fired him because he…
Update: Home Office admits full extent of USB data loss
The Home Office has had to dramatically revise its estimates of the amount of data contained on a memory stick lost by third-party contractor PA Consulting last year. The department’s newly released Resource Accounts for 2008-09 (PDF) say that the USB device containing Police National Computer and prisoner data actually held 377,000 records, 250,000 more…
Confidential documents found by Worthing Town Hall bins
Confidential council papers containing residents’ bank details and addresses have been found dumped outside a town hall. The documents also include information about an investigation into flytipping, a bill to a letting agents for cockroach extermination and a document relating to a fraud interview. Read more in The Argus
‘The Analyzer’ Pleads Guilty in $10 Million Bank Hacking Case
Ehud Tenenbaum, aka “The Analyzer,” quietly pleaded guilty last week to a single count of bank-card fraud for his role in a sophisticated computer-hacking scheme that federal officials say scored $10 million from U.S. banks. The Israeli hacker was arrested in Canada last year for allegedly stealing about $1.5 million from Canadian banks. But before…