Betty Adams of The Kennebec Journal reports: Almost 600 people receiving unemployment benefits last week got direct-deposit information — including Social Security numbers — belonging to another person. Dick Thompson, head of the state Office of Information Technology, said the misinformation was sent out May 27 while the office produced material for the Department of…
Category: Breach Incidents
UK: Sensitive information sent to wrong address
Liam Sloan of Newbury Today reports: A [West Berkshire Council] blunder led to intimate details of vulnerable youngsters being posted to the wrong person. Worlds End resident Alayne Summers was shocked to receive a torn, wrongly-addressed envelope containing 100 pages of highly-sensitive information about troubled pupils applying for places at West Berkshire schools. The documents…
Update: Virginia notifies residents of Prescription Monitoring Program hack
Bill Sizemore of The Virginian-Pilot reports that the state is sending breach notifications to 530,000 Virginians whose Social Security numbers may have been in the state’s Prescription Monitoring Program database that was hacked on April 30. An additional 1,400 users of the database who may have provided Social Security numbers when they registered for the…
AU: Westpac ‘stuff-up’ puts confidential customer details online
Mark Hawthorne of The Brisbane Times reports: A security breach has allowed confidential Westpac shareholder information to be included in an official document published on the Australian Securities Exchange website. A document Westpac released to the ASX in March contains the security holder reference numbers (SRN) and holder identification numbers (HIN) of up to 20…
Sony notifies 5000 customers of credit card breach
A recent security breach at the Park Ridge, New Jersey headquarters of Sony Card Marketing & Services Company (CMSC) affected customers who signed up for the Sony Rewards program. According to a letter sent by John Briesch, the President of CMSC, to the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office, CMSC discovered that “unauthorized copies were made…
UK: ID database snooped for celebrities’ secrets
Mark Ballard of The Inquirer reports that one Glasgow City Council worker was fired and another resigned before he could be fired after they were caught snooping into the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Customer Information Systems (CIS) database. The database forms the core of the government’s identity card scheme and contains 85 million…