Debbie Gebolys of The Columbus Dispatch reports that more than 900 current and former COTA employees recently learned that their Social Security numbers had been sent to 51 health-insurance companies who were bidding on providing disability insurance to COTA. This was apparently not the first time this type of thing had happened. In 2006, COTA…
Category: Breach Incidents
Heartland’s annual report to SEC reveals more investigations
Heartland Payment Systems filed its annual Form 10-K report with the Securities and Exchange Commission yesterday. The Legal Proceedings section lists all of the consumer, financial institution and stockholder lawsuits against it, and also indicates that it is under investigations in addition to ones previously reported: […] We have been advised by the SEC that…
VA: Auction hunter finds personal data
A man who bid on seven file cabinets at a storage auction discovered dozens of files inside with personal and financial information that belonged to Breakwater Mortgage Corporation. The firm had gone out of business last year. When contacted, they claimed that no one had been able to access the files after the company went…
ID: Ada County computer system displayed social security numbers
Ysabel Balbao of KTVB reports that Ada County officials are investigating how a file that is typically for court and jail use only wound up exposed on the web. The file is a listing of everyone booked into the county jail and displayed the names, Social Security numbers, and dates of birth of over 200…
Penn State: Employees alerted to possible security breach
From the The Social Security numbers of employees working at Penn State Office of Physical Plant in 2000 may have been stolen. On Feb. 20, a virus infiltrated an administrative computer that contained more than 1,000 social security numbers of OPP employees, said OPP spokesman Paul Ruskin.
Irish bank teller commits insider theft of customer data, gets suspended sentence
Maura Byrne reports on that a Bank of Ireland cashier who used a skimmer to steal data from 87 customer accounts that was used to steal almost €320,000 being taken from their accounts — has been given a suspended sentence. The theft occurred between October 2006 and February 2007. Darren McComiskey reportedly passed the…