recently reported that Apex Laboratory Inc. had apparently been attacked by DoppelPaymer ransomware threat actors. Apex was added to their leak site on December 15. As proof of claims, the threat actors uploaded approximately 10,000 files containing protected health information of patients (PHI) and personally identifiable information of employees (PII). The 10,000 estimate is…
Category: Breach Incidents
Wishing You a Happy, Healthy, and Safe New Year
Wishing all our readers a happy, healthy, and safe new year in 2021.
ROMWE’s press release reflects an abundance of …. something, but not caution.
This week, I drafted a commentary mocking ROMWE’s for claiming that they were notifying their consumers about a breach out of “an abundance of caution.” Then I decided to try to be nice, and I trashed it. Yesterday, Marco de Felice wrote a piece about the breach that shows that it was even worse than…
As 2020 draws to a close, it still takes too long to detect and notify patients of most breaches
The press release below the separator includes the kind of timeline that we often see in breach disclosures where an employee’s email account has been hacked. It continues to take many entities too long, in this blogger’s opinion, to detect breaches of their systems, then determine that PHI was involved, and then notify. In this…
Hackers publish client data stripped from Auckland financial services company on dark web
John Anthony reports: Personal information belonging to clients of an Auckland financial services firm has been published on the dark web after the company fell victim to a ransomware attack. Earlier this month a blog post on the dark web showed cyberattackers appeared to be in possession of sensitive information held by financial services company…
5th Avenue Theatre Takes Action Following Theft of Employee Data in August
SEATTLE, Dec. 24, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — The 5th Avenue Theatre (the “Theatre”) announced today that it suffered a break-in and theft which it first learned of on August 30, 2020 (the “Incident”). The Incident occurred overnight on August 29, 2020 where unauthorized individuals broke into the Theatre, among other offices in the building, and stole certain computer back-up tapes and specialized equipment which…