This is a multi-part interview with the individual known as “Nam3L3ss,” who leaked more than 100 databases on a popular hacking forum and will soon be leaking many more. In Part 1, he answers some questions about his background and what motivated him to do what he does. In Part 2, we talk a bit…
Category: Breach Incidents
Conversation with a “Nam3L3ss” Watchdog, Part 1: Background
This is a multi-part interview with the individual known as “Nam3L3ss” who leaked more than 100 databases on a popular hacking forum and will soon be leaking many more. Read the Preface. In this part, we talk about his background and what motivated him to do what he does. In Part 2, we talk about…
Illinois Department of Human Services phishing attack affected more than 1.1M public assistance clients
Their substitute notice, as published on Effingham Radio: Springfield, IL-(Effingham Radio)- Pursuant to the requirements of the Illinois Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA), 815 ILCS 530/12, the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) is notifying the media of an incident within IDHS State of Illinois email accounts: On April 25, 2024, IDHS experienced a privacy breach….
Attorney General James Secures $500,000 from Auto Insurance Company Over Data Breach
There’s a follow-up to a breach previously reported on DataBreaches. From the NYS Attorney General’s Office today: NEW YORK – New York Attorney General Letitia James today secured $500,000 from auto insurance company, Noblr, for failing to protect the personal information of more than 80,000 New Yorkers as part of a data breach. The data breach was…
Defending Data Breach Class Actions
Mark P. Henriques of Womble Bond Dickinson has a content-rich post for defense lawyers: Class actions arising from data breach represented the fastest growing segment of class action filings. In 2023, more than 2000 class actions were filed, more than triple the amount filed in 2022.1 These cases were filed in federal and state courts…
Dragos Industrial Ransomware Analysis: Q3 2024
Abdulrahman H. Alamri and Lexie Mooney of Dragos write: The third quarter (July – September) of 2024 brought transformative shifts to the ransomware landscape, emphasizing its dynamic and continuously evolving nature. The ransomware threat ecosystem remained highly active in the third quarter, fueled by new groups, rebranding of existing entities, expansion of initial access broker…