Top Class Actions reports there is a settlement involving Preferred Home Care in New York. The lawsuit alleged the provider failed to protect employee and patient data from an attack in January 2021. The data breach allegedly compromised the information of 92,283 patients and employees, including sensitive health information and personal identifiers such as Social…
Category: Breach Incidents
Bits ‘n Pieces (Trozos y Piezas)
ES: Stormous claims attack on Zurcal The Zurcal group, which belongs to the energy saving and efficiency sector, has been named by Stormous Ransomware in its Telegram channel. The attack was posted on February 24 with images showing invoices and plans. Stormous gave the victim one week to respond. In a subsequent post, Stormous added…
Minneapolis Public Schools systems restored, no ransom paid
Jeremiah Jacobsen has an update to the “encryption event” previously disclosed by Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS). [Note: MPS’s phrase “encryption event” appeared to be a ridiculous — and dare we say, sleazy– attempt not to call it a “ransomware attack.” The district still has not described it as ransomware attack.] Minneapolis Public Schools released a…
Lubbock Heart and Surgical Hospital sued for breach where no one knows for sure whether data was accessed or acquired
If the victim of a cyberattack cannot determine whether data was accessed or acquired, should that increase the damages sought by plaintiffs in a class action suit? Or should it get the suit tossed out because the plaintiffs can’t prove any theft of their data? Kelly Mehorter reports about a class action lawsuit filed against…
Sentara Health notifying 741 patients after mistake by Coronis Health employee
In a refreshingly straightforward breach disclosure, Sentara Health in Virginia reports that on December 19, an anonymous individual called their Compliance Hotline to alert them that while searching for something online, the called had stumbled across an exposed file with patients’ Medicare billing information. Sentara quickly verified the caller’s report and determined that the file…
Another Texas school district with a data breach? (UPDATED)
LockBit has added White Settlement Independent School District in Texas to their leak site, with a proof pack that suggests that the threat actors were able to access — and may have exfiltrated — a lot of files. The listing was added yesterday. There is no notice on WSISD’s website that DataBreaches could find…