Adam Mazmanian reports that the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is asking some very specific questions of OPM and US-CERT: Chaffetz wants US-CERT, a unit of the Department of Homeland Security, to report on when it was first contacted by OPM to report the breach, and any reporting or analysis on the nature of…
Category: U.S.
NSUH Identify Theft Lawsuit Narrowed to One Negligence Claim
Joel Stashenko reports: A Queens judge has severely limited the basis on which former patients at the North Shore University Hospital may sue over a security breach they blame for the thefts of their identities. Supreme Court Justice Robert McDonald dismissed 10 of their 11 claims, finding in large part that the alleged violations of federal or…
OH: Resort owner sues former Put-in-Bay police officer
Craig Shoup reports: A businessman has filed a defamation suit alleging a former Put-in-Bay police officer disclosed details on the Internet of a sealed criminal case. Attorney Mark Petroff, of Elyria, filed a lawsuit in the Lorain County Common Pleas Court on behalf of Put-in-Bay resort owner Mark Mathys, claiming former village police officer Steve…
VA: Carilion Clinic employees disciplined for violating patient privacy in high-profile case
Luanne Rife reports: Carilion Clinic has fired or disciplined more than a dozen employees after they peered into a patient’s medical records without any clinical reason for doing so. Carilion declined to say how many of the 14 employees — 11 in the New River Valley and three in Roanoke — were fired, but said…
AL: Woman pleads guilty to $7.5 million identity-theft scheme
There’s an update to a case previously noted on this site. Talashia Hinton pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court to using information stolen from state of Alabama databases maintained by the state of Alabama to file false tax returns and steal millions from the government. The indictment contends that Hinton worked with co-conspirators to file…
Former U.S. Government Employee Charged in Computer Hacking and Cyber Stalking Scheme
A former locally-employed staff member of the U.S. Embassy in London was charged with engaging in a hacking and cyberstalking scheme in which, using stolen passwords, he obtained sexually explicit photographs and other personal information from victims’ email and social media accounts, and threatened to share the photographs and personal information unless the victims ceded…