Jeff Goldman reports that Rodney St. Fleur’s (aka Rodney Saintfleur) co-conspirators have been sentenced for their roles in the tax refund fraud scheme: Frantz Pierre, 34, Terry Pierre, 29, and Christmanie Bissainthe, 33, were recently sentenced to prison for their participation in a stolen identity tax refund (SIRF) scheme involving approximately $2.2 million in fraudulent…
Category: U.S.
TD Bank offers UNH students credit monitoring services after e-mail security lapse (update)
TD Bank is a service provider for the University of New Hampshire. On January 16, an employee e-mailed a file containing 674 students’ names and bank account numbers to the university, but failed to e-mail them in adherence with security protocols. The recipient notified the bank immediately. The university maintains the bank account numbers of…
Pharmacy benefits management firm notifies clients’ employees whose data were stolen by employee for tax refund fraud (update1)
Tampa-based My Matrixx provides pharmacy and ancillary services for workers’ compensation programs. In November 2013, they were contacted by federal law enforcement and notified that a former employee of theirs in Florida was under investigation for filing fraudulent tax returns. By that time, the employee was no longer in their employ, but they were asked not…
Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children notifies vendors after tax information exposed
The Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children joins the ranks of those who experience a mailing error that exposes vendors’ Form 1099 to others. The Form 1099 contained vendors’ names, addresses, monies earned, and Social Security numbers. In this case, some vendors received their own Form 1099 as well as a second…
Olmstead Medical Center breach update
KAAL-TV reports: It was reported to the Olmsted County Sheriff’s Office that an employee at the Olmsted Medical Center in Byron had their tax information stolen and the IRS has already sent their tax return to someone else. The Rochester Police Department told us they’ve had about a dozen reports of this happening. This comes…
Hackers used previously unknown Internet Explorer flaw in new attacks
Joseph Menn reports: A previously unknown flaw in a recent version of Microsoft Corp’s Internet Explorer web browser is being used to attack Internet users, including some visitors to a major site for U.S. military veterans, researchers said Thursday. Security firm FireEye Inc discovered the attacks against IE 10 this week, saying that hundreds or…