Donna Willis reports: As many as 444 credit-card numbers are stolen during transactions at a Delaware store, detectives say. A Delaware police investigation into a rash of identity thefts revealed that one source of the thefts is transactions at the Habitat for Humanity of Delaware County ReStore. Detectives, working with information developed within the past…
Category: U.S.
(update) Computershare Says No Customer Data Exposed In Breach
Paul Roberts reports: The investor services company told Threatpost that an investigation has determined that data stolen by a rogue employee didn’t contain shareholder data. However, the company still hasn’t retrieved two USB drives containing company email and documents that outline some of Computershare’s closely held business plans. The statement came in response to a Threatpost…
Couple stole over 100 identities for credit cards, police say
Trent Faris reports on a couple who may have misused over 100 victims’ personal information: Hall worked for a company called IQOR in Charlotte that handles record keeping for a gas company in Chicago. Police say Hall would write down people’s names date of birth and Social Security numbers on scraps of paper and take…
Abandoned Jackson Hewitt tax office’s returns put customers at risk
Kathleen Pender reports: A Bay Area woman named Kara got an upsetting call the morning of Oct. 22. The caller said she had found Kara’s 2007 tax return lying in a pile with hundreds of others on the ground in front of an abandoned Jackson Hewitt tax preparation office at 1734 Divisadero St. in San…
MN: Woman Charged With Stealing $6K From Credit Cards of Apple Valley Store Customers
Betsy Sundquist reports: A Minneapolis woman has been charged with credit-card fraud after authorities say she made more than $6,000 in fraudulent transactions on 98 customers’ credit cards within two weeks while working at an Apple Valley store. The fraudulent transactions reportedly occurred between between May 25 and June 10. Read more on AppleValleyPatch. The…
Breach in online payment system for Lawrence Memorial Hospital exposed up to 10,000 patients’ credit card or checking information
A public notice issued by Lawrence Memorial Hospital in Lawrence, Kansas that appeared on 6News (but not, apparently, on the hospital’s web site yet): On October 28, 2011, Lawrence Memorial Hospital learned that certain information maintained by Mid Continent Credit Services, Inc., d/b/a Blue Sky Credit, the hospital’s vendor for online patient bill-pay services, was inadvertently…