Associated Press reports: The personal information of thousands of U.S. Steel Mining retirees and their dependents has been lost in the mail. Benefits Administration Services said Friday that a password-protected CD it had put in the mail in August never reached its destination. BAS is a provider of benefits administration services for the United States…
Category: U.S.
UTSA Honors College informs students of computer security incident
The University of Texas at San Antonio has posted a breach notice on the university’s site: The University of Texas at San Antonio is informing 688 students and prospective students who either enrolled in or applied to courses in the Honors College that an unauthorized user may have gained access to information about them. Those…
(follow-up) OH: Silence not broken nearly a year after security breach
The student paper at Ohio State University has continued to try to get answers to their questions about a breach at OSU last year that affected 760,000. You can read Ally Marotti’s recent update on The Lantern. The coverage paints an unflattering picture of the university in terms of transparency following the breach. Could the…
TX: Two George’s at Center of Credit Card Fraud Investigation
Keaton Fox reports: Tonight there are more questions about what was going on at Two Georges Restaurant, now the center of a credit card abuse case. Police say several people filed reports that their credit card was charged hundreds of dollars, months, even years after they had visited the restaurant. Now the businesses has been…
Feds: Wi-Fi hacking burglars targeted dozens of Seattle-area businesses (updated)
Levi Pulkkinen reports: A federal grand jury has indicted three Seattle men accused of hacking the wireless networks of more than a dozen businesses to steal money and employees’ personal information. Also claiming the trio was behind 41 burglaries, federal prosecutors contend Joshuah A. Witt, Brad E. Lowe and John E. Griffin used the fruits…
[Corrected] MO: Former SEMO Employee Found with Data Files of Personal Information of Students
Correction: Oops – disregard this entry. This was an old breach. No idea why it showed up in my news reader today. Wes Wallace reports: Hundreds of students received an identity theft warning following a security breach at Southeast Missouri State University. According to the school, a grand jury in Georgia indicted a former worker…