An insider breach at the former Electronic Data Systems flew pretty much flew under the media radar, it seems. A recent press release notes: Alchico Grant, a resident of Montgomery, Ala., pleaded guilty to his role in two tax fraud and identity theft conspiracies, the Justice Department and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced today….
Category: U.S.
Intel officials’ emails posted after hack of cybersecurity group
Michael Isikoff reports: The names and email addresses of hundreds of U.S. intelligence officials — including some senior officials in the Obama Administration — have been posted on an anti-secrecy website after computer hackers allegedly swiped them from the internal membership list of a prestigious national security organization. The apparent cyberattack on the Intelligence and…
CA: State Assembly computer system breached
Associated Press reports: More than 50 employees of the state Assembly — including some lawmakers — have been warned that their personal information might have been obtained by a computer hacker. Legislative Counsel Diane Boyer-Vine, whose office oversees the Legislative Data Center, would not say how many lawmakers were affected. She said Friday that officials…
NC: Guilford County Tax Office Leaks Taxpayers Data (Updated)
From WFMY News: Greensboro, NC– On September 9, 2011, Guilford County was notified of a Data Security Breach involving Tax Department files containing personal information accessible through the web. In a statement on its website Guiford County officials said: Data files of citizens for whom the Tax Department sought a garnishment or attachment between December 2010 and the date…
NM: Schools take closer look at computer security
It’s nice to see some schools getting the message and being proactive on preventing ID theft or reducing the risk. Reyes Mata reports: To protect students from becoming part of an identity theft scam, schools in Las Cruces have responded to online security threats by no longer collecting Social Security numbers from students. “We used…
CO: Aurora City Council members become victims of ID fraud
Carlos Illescas reports: At least five Aurora City Council members have had their identities stolen over the past few weeks, and police have opened an investigation to determine whether the cases are linked. Someone — armed only with the council members’ basic personal information — opened accounts in their names at a billing service for…