The Associated Press reports that Scott Graham of Ohio faces prison time after pleading guilty in federal court to felony charges of intercepting electronic communications by using spyware to spy on a woman’s computer activities. By spying on her, he also accidentally retrieved confidential information from the computer system at Akron Children’s Hospital, where she…
Category: U.S.
(follow-up) PennDOT computer heist remains unsolved
This breach was reported back in 2006 and covered on at the time. If you were wondering what happened since then, it appears that the incident is still a mystery. Three years after a mysterious heist of computer equipment from a state driver’s license center, police are still unsure why the crooks targeted the…
PA: Malware opens door to possible information exposure
From Pennsylvania State University’s web site: A computer in the Dickinson School of Law that contained 261 Social Security numbers from an archived class list was found to be infected with malware that enabled it to communicate with an unauthorized computer outside the network. As soon as the University became aware of the malicious software…
AZ: Former owner of Citrus Café arrested in Texas; faces fraud charges
Edythe Jensen reports: A self-proclaimed foodie and former owner of the posh Citrus Café in Chandler will likely be eating jail chow instead of escargot and chardonnay while he awaits trial on multiple theft and fraud charges. Andrew Paparella Jr., 36, was extradited to Chandler from Texas Thursday, said police spokesman David Ramer. He was…
Hacker hits NC community college system
Kristin Collins reports: Patrons of the state’s community colleges may have had their drivers license and Social Security numbers stolen by a hacker. College officials announced late today that 51,000 library users at 25 campuses, including Wake Tech and Johnston County, were the victims of a security breach in August. They said the libraries collect…
PA: Upper Darby man arrested, faces identity theft charges
Linda Reilly reports: An alleged swindler involved in a sophisticated identity-theft ring involving personal information copied from hospital records is facing multiple identity theft and theft charges, police said. […] Shacoy McNish, 27, of the 400 block of Millbank Road, Upper Darby, was arrested in late November after allegedly purchasing almost $3,000 worth of merchandise…