Ouch! Postcards sent out by the Universal American Action Network, a subsidiary of Universal American Insurance, had the recipients’ full Social Security Numbers in plain view. There were reportedly 80,000 postcards sent out last Friday to Universal clients around the country who are enrolled in their Medicare Advantage plan. WGAL reports: Universal American told News…
Category: U.S.
OH: Social security numbers found in area library books
Tim Miller reports: Folks have been warned about not giving out personal information, but never knew an old library book could hold clues to their identities. At the University of Toledo, books from the 1980s and 90s with readers’ social security numbers may still be in circulation. Today, when UT students check out a book,…
Former GEXA employee pleads guilty to computer intrusion
A former database administrator for GEXA Energy has been convicted following his guilty plea to intruding into his former employer’s computer database system. The conviction of Steven Jinwoo Kim, 40, was announced yesterday by United States Attorney Tim Johnson. At a hearing before U.S. District Judge Vanessa Gilmore, Kim admitted to recklessly causing damage to…
NC loan processor sentenced for ID theft
A former loan processor was sentenced Friday to to one year and one day imprisonment for wire fraud and aggravated identity theft charges. Senior United States District Judge James C. Fox also ordered Maria Lorena Croll, 24, of Raleigh, North Carolina, to pay restitution of $2,138.52. A federal grand jury had indicted Croll in December…
TX: Confidential Bushland ISD documents found
Mitch Roberts reports: Bushland officials are wondering if an employee or perhaps an ex-employee walked out of the office with highly confidential documents. Those documents were dropped off at Pronews 7. The documents were from the “free lunch” program from 2003 to 2006. There was a note attached claiming the documents were found at a…
HIMSS Survey: Business Associates not up to speed on HITECH
Today, HIMSS released a new report, 2009 HIMSS Analytics Report: Evaluating HITECH’s Impact on Healthcare Privacy and Security. Commissioned by ID Experts, HIMSS surveyed senior information technology (IT) executives, Chief Security Officers, Chief Medical Information Officers (CMIOs), Chief Information Security Officers and Chief Privacy Officers at hospitals throughout the United States.They also surveyed business associates…