On April 30, in Bits ‘n Pieces, I reported an arrest in Texas that involved an insider at unnamed banks and mortgage companies. Subsequently, Sam LaGrone of Air Force Times reported on the case because the man arrested, Isaac McCrumby, was posing as an Air Force reservist during a crime spree that allegedly netted $500,000…
Category: U.S.
FINRA Fines Centaurus Financial $175,000 for Failure to Protect Confidential Customer Information
Earlier this week, FINRA fined Centaurus Financial, Inc., as described below in their press release. I’ve been searching, but do not see where the incident described below was ever reported in the media at the time. Interesting…. The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) has announced today that it has fined Centaurus Financial, Inc. (CFI), of…
Bits ‘n Pieces
In the justice system: As a follow-up to a breach covered on PogoWasRight.org last year, Anthony Wood, 45, a/k/a Anthony Bickerstaff, was sentenced to four years in prison and ordered to pay $67,292 in restitution for using stolen personal information of customers at Commerce Bank in Mount Laurel. Co-defendants Jennifer Mullner, a former loan services…
4 more employees gone after sneaking into octuplets’ files
Sarah Tully of The Orange County Register reports: Four more hospital employees this week were forced out of their jobs for sneaking into the octuplets’ mother’s private medical records, a hospital spokeswoman confirmed today. Previously, another 15 employees were terminated and eight were disciplined for improperly looking at mother Nadya Suleman’s documents at Kaiser Permanente…
NY: Thieves raid accounts of Staten Island bank
Barton Horowitz of the Staten Island Advance reports: An ATM security breach at SI Bank & Trust’s Oakwood branch that went undetected for more than a month is under investigation by the FBI. Apparently, bank officials were not aware of the crime until the stealth thieves began cashing in on the stolen data. … Fifty…
(Follow-up) Stolen Peninsula Orthopaedic backup tapes contained some financial info
When backup tapes containing patient information on patients of Peninsula Orthopaedic Associates were stolen while in transit, the practice notified approximately 100,000 patients. Now, Earl Holland reports that the group subsequently discovered that the stolen backup tape also contained credit or debit card information on up to 400 patients. Peninsula Orthopaedic Associates has sent an…