Jeff Overly reports: Folders with personal information for numerous clients of a local mortgage broker sat for days at a public recycling site, overflowing from the tops of several bins in an apparently glaring identity theft risk. The files contained bank account statements, completed tax forms, credit reports and Social Security numbers, among other information,…
Category: U.S.
Starbucks sued after laptop data breach
Robert McMillan of IDG News Service reports: A Chicago-area Starbucks employee has brought a class-action lawsuit against the coffee retailer, claiming damages from an October 2008 data breach. Laura Krottner was one of 97,000 employees notified late last year after a Starbucks laptop containing employee names, addresses and Social Security numbers was stolen on Oct….
Just weeks after Heartland breach, another payment processor said to be hit
Jai Vijayan of Computerworld has gotten more info on the as-yet-unnamed processor breach. In addition to getting confirmation from Visa and MasterCard that the breach occurred and that the window was February 2008 to January 2009, Jai also found a more recent advisory from the Alabama Credit Union: ACU initially posted the alert on Feb….
NY: Misrouted medical faxes bedevil family
Marcele Rojas reports: Southeast resident Cathy Meyer reached her breaking point when she received a fax with a list of patients in Putnam Hospital Center’s psychiatric ward. The fax was from another department within the hospital, she said, seeking the patients’ medical charts. […] For more than a year, Meyer has received dozens of faxes…
More recent breaches we didn’t know about
Thanks to the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office for posting breach notices online: Student Loan Xpress, Inc. reported (pdf) that the service provider for their student loans, American Education Services, inadvertently transmitted personal information on student loans to another lender that AES also has contracts with. The information may have included names, addresses, Social Security…
Del Mar students informed of stolen info
Mike Baird reports: As many as 53 students in the Del Mar College General Education Development Program have been informed that a printed class roster, with some of the student’s personal information, was stolen from an instructor’s vehicle Sunday, school officials announced today. Read more on