I’m first working my way through the provisions in the stimulus bill that relate to breaches and notifications. One of the recommendations that I and other privacy advocates had made was central notification and disclosure on a publicly available web site. They heard us. Here’s part of the new law: (3) NOTICE TO SECRETARY- Notice…
Category: U.S.
UF notifies thousands of possible breach of ‘Grove’ computer system
From a University of Florida announcement: University of Florida officials are making every effort to notify more than 97,200 people that an intruder gained access to a computer system containing files with their personal information. The files included the names and Social Security numbers of students, faculty and staff who used the “Grove” computer system…
SF Man Accused Of Stealing Mail, ID Theft
A San Francisco man was arraigned Tuesday on identity and mail theft charges in San Francisco Superior Court after allegedly going on a mail-snatching spree that prosecutors said involved several, and possibly up to hundreds of residents. Prosecutors charged Bradley Williams, 31, with counts that included felony and misdemeanor identity theft, one count involving 10…
Man indicted again on fraud and identity theft charges
Chris Smith reports: A federal grand jury in Louisville, Ky., has charged a Clarksville man with crimes similar to those outlined in another indictment that came down last year. In November, a federal grand jury indicted Deldrick Toles, 28, then of Fort Campbell, on charges of bank fraud and aggravated identity theft. He was accused…
MD: Identity Transplant
Chris Landers reports: Bill Wall is a large man with close-cropped hair and the bearing of a military man, which he is–a major in the Army’s 729th Brigade Support Battalion. His wife Deborah is tiny, blond, and full of an energy that belies the fact that for more than 10 years she has been suffering…
NM: Laptop with personal data taken from food pantry
An Albuquerque food pantry is warning its clients that tens of thousands of them are at risk for identity theft after a laptop computer containing their personal information was stolen last week. The Rio Grande Food Project says the computer contained sensitive personal data — including addresses, birth dates and Social Security numbers — of…