From the web site of Cardiology Associates, P.C.: Cardiology Associates is committed to maintaining the privacy and security of our patients’ information. This notice is to inform our patients of an incident involving some patients’ personal information. We have no evidence that any patient information has been used in any way, but want to inform…
Category: U.S.
After a month of silence, University of New Mexico assists identity theft victims
Denicia Aragon reports: Over 1,000 former students and employees of UNM recently had their identity stolen from a University database, and after a month of silence, UNM has established a call center to assist victims of the incident. According to a University release, a decades-old UNM database containing names, birth dates, social security numbers, address,…
Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants concludes investigation into breach
Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants have provided an updated press release after completing the investigation they began in July. The relevant parts of their press release: Findings from the investigation show that malware was installed on servers that processed payment cards used at the restaurants and front desks of some of our hotels. The malware searched…
MA: SSNs, addresses inadvertently posted on Walpole Police Dept.’s website
WFXT reports: Social security numbers, addresses, phone numbers and other personal information was accidentally posted on Walpole Police Department‘s website. The personal information was part of last week’s dispatch log. The dispatch log contains a record of all incidents officer responded to, and that includes all of the personal information that is redacted from the press…
NE: Personal and medical information discarded after pharmacy closes business
Max Massey of KOLN reports that the former owner of Four Star Drug in Lincoln said he had shredded, or transferred all of the important documents once his store went out of business. Sometimes a picture does speak 1,000 words. Look at this stack of papers with social security numbers, medical history, prescriptions, and even papers labeled confidential….
Watchdog: IRS failed to notify over 1M people of identity theft
Naomi Jagoda reports: The Internal Revenue Service identified close to 1.1 million taxpayers who were victims of employment-related identity theft from 2011 through 2015, but almost none of the victims were informed, a Treasury Department watchdog found in a report made public this week. “Employment-related identity theft can cause significant burden to taxpayers, including the…