Update2: Brian Krebs has a great post criticizing those who reported on DirectDefense’s claims without waiting for a response from Cb. Sadly, this site is also guilty of that by just citing and linking to others’ reporting without doing any verification. Original Post: From the this-can’t-be-good dept., Catalin Cimpanu reports: Sensitive corporate data from customers…
Category: Exposure
NZ: Medical clinic breaches 1000 people’s privacy
Otago Daily Times reports: About 1000 people’s privacy was breached in an email sent out by a medical clinic. Privacy Commissioner John Edwards tweeted about the breach this morning, imploring people to be careful. “Come on people, it’s not rocket surgery!” part of the tweet said. Further information from the commission showed the privacy of…
AU: Blood Service escapes penalties in data breach investigation
Allie Coyne reports: The Australian Red Cross Blood Service and its website contractor have escaped penalties from the country’s privacy watchdog over a 2016 data breach that exposed the data of 550,000 donors. In late October last year the Blood Service revealed its website partner Precedent had inadvertently exposed a 1.74GB database backup containing 1.28 million…
AU: Sensitive details of vulnerable children in care released in department bungle
Nino Bucci reports: The personal details of children in care, including whether they were sexually active, was accidentally sent to the mother of one of the children in a troubling information breach. A spreadsheet was emailed to the mother outlining the name, birthdate, location, and specific concerns and alerts relating to all children in the…
Data Breach as Office 365 Admin Center Displays Usage Data from Other Tenants
Tony Redmond reports: The danger of making mistakes when changing cloud systems that run at massive scale was demonstrated on Thursday evening (August 3) when the Office 365 Admin Center suddenly started to reveal usage data belonging to other tenants. Reports flooded in from administrators who noticed that the reported email and SharePoint usage for…
Personal Info of 650,000 Voters Discovered on Poll Machine Sold on Ebay
Kevin Collier reports: When 650 thousand Tennesseans voted in the Memphis area, they probably didn’t expect their personal information would eventually be picked apart at a hacker conference at Caesars Palace Las Vegas. […] But hackers given access to an ExpressPoll-5000 electronic poll book—the kind of device used to check in voters on Election Day—have…