ONE News in New Zealand reveals a government department has had a series of privacy breaches. Following soon after the breach involving the Ministry of Social Development, reports of inadequate data protection involving the Inland Revenue Department are just what the government doesn’t need. Even worse, the department is getting a black eye in the press for…
Category: Exposure
FTC Finalizes Settlements with Two Businesses that Exposed Consumers Sensitive Information Over P2P Networks
From the FTC, a follow-up to a previously-reported action: Following a public comment period, the Federal Trade Commission has accepted as final settlements with two operations it charged with illegally exposing the sensitive personal information of thousands of consumers by allowing peer-to-peer file-sharing software to be installed on their corporate computer systems. Settlements with Utah-based debt…
Stoke-on-Trent City Council fined £120k after mis-sent email disclosed sensitive child data (update 2)
Public Service reports: Stoke-on-Trent City Council has been hit with a major fine after sensitive information on a child protection case was emailed to the wrong person, the Information Commissioner’s Office has confirmed. The ICO, which can fine up to £500,000 for serious breaches of the Data Protection Act, said the £120,000 fine issued to…
Scottish Borders Council appeals ICO’s fine
Scottish Borders Council has appealed the £250,000 fine imposed by the ICO following a data protection breach in which employees’ information was found unshredded in supermarket recycling bins. Southern Reporter reports that the ICO has until November 2 to respond to the appeal and the decision will be made by a three-judge panel.
GA: Sensitive files found in Buckhead dumpster
Ron Nakfoor reports that a citizen alerted 11Alive News to sensitive documents left in dumpster: The documents appeared to be from a local real estate agency and contained tax ID numbers, along with copies of personal checks with bank account numbers on them…. The name on the dumped real estate signs and most of the paperwork is Dorsey…
NZ: Ministry of Justice shuts down kiosks
In the aftermath of the WINZ breach, the NZ government has been reviewing all its systems. In the process, they discovered that the Ministry of Justice kiosks had a similar issue as the MSD Work and Income kiosks. The New Zealand Herald reports: The affected kiosks included three computers at the ministry’s national office, which…